In Mission
Working together to share the good news of Jesus

together to
share good news
bring hope
& transform lives
Partnership in Mission is how you partner with us, as we partner with you, and how we all as a network, partner with one another in the mission of God to make Jesus known.
Through your prayer, support and giving, you enable us to support Webnet churches by...
•Offering grants to support mission initiatives, church planting and projects.
•Providing events and training to support and equip our churches, their members and leaders.
•Our team of regional ministers always being there to offer prayer, support and advice.
Giving As An Individual
If you'd like to bless with a one-off gift, please use our 'donate and partner' button above, that will enable you to put your details in and donate immediately.
Or you can give to Partnership in Mission via monthly standing order. You can do this via your telephone or online banking using the following details:
Account Name: West of England Baptist Association sort code 40-52-40
Account number 00006162
Please use your name, postcode and ‘PIM’ as a reference.
You can also give by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to WEBA and sent to Webnet at Little Stoke Baptist Church, Kingsway, Little Stoke, Bristol, BS34 6JW.
Gift Aid
You can increase your giving through the Gift Aid Scheme. If you are a taxpayer, you can complete a Gift Aid Declaration and we’ll be able to reclaim an additional 25% on top of your gift from HMRC. You can download the Gift Aid Declaration here.
Giving As A Church
Webnet Churches are encouraged to give at least 5% of their general income as an expression of partnership in the gospel. This freewill giving enables all the Regional Support provided by the Webnet team, grants to Webnet churches and new missional communities, and also various forms of specialist support which are available across our Baptist Union.
Bank details:
Account Name: West of England Baptist Association sort code 40-52-40
Account number 00006162
Please use your name, postcode and ‘PIM’ as a reference.
Applying For A Grant
If you're thinking about applying for a Mission in Partnership grant to enable your churches mission through ministry or a special project please contact Alisdair via email: alisdair.longwill@webnetwork.org.uk who will be able to explain the process to you.
Contact Us
Little Stoke Baptist Church
Little Stoke
BS34 6JW
01179 658 828
Hub Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
9:00 am – 4:00 pm