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Exploring The Call To Ministry

Helping equip you to make disciples of Jesus

Are you interested in following a call to ministry?

Within God’s call in Christ to every believer there are a whole variety of opportunities to focus our response. The challenge is to get that response lined up with God’s call. Baptists have always emphasised the ministry of all believers and within webnet we continue to emphasise this fact. However, God continues to call people to exercise specific aspects of ministry, which require more than spare time allows. webnet can help facilitate and test a calling in certain directions for which accreditation.  However, in the first instance it is always best to begin talk with those who know you best and your own local leadership.

Baptist Together oversees ‘The Register of Covenanted Persons Accredited for Ministry.’ Any Minister who is part of this covenant is able to be commended to any of our churches. For an initial period, usually three years, people serve as ‘Newly Accredited Ministers’ before becoming fully accredited.

Regionally Recognised Ministry

‘Regionally Recognised Leaders’ (RRL’s) is the title being used to describe those called to a ministry of leadership within the churches of the West of England Baptist Network area, but who are not seeking full national accreditation. It is a ministry local to the Association area; it is recognised and validated by the wider Baptist family in association together; it is an extremely valuable expression of God’s gifting in ministry amongst our Churches. RRM’s are those seeking to serve in a ‘limited sphere’ within the Association’s region. The word ‘limited’ refers to the limitation within the webnet area which may be due to a variety of factors such as age, opportunity to study, or other reasons


We tend to focus upon the three ‘C’s’ of character, competency and calling.

CHARACTER is assessed primarily via references and a certificate that indicates that you are not unsuitable for work with children and vulnerable adults. We also require a self declaration in relation to criminal records.

- COMPETENCY will be tested, but it is potential for development that we are looking for rather than the finished article. Clearly, there needs to be signs of gifts in a variety of areas, however, even if not yet fully matured.

- CALLING God calls all kinds of people and sometimes we ourselves are the last to recognise it’s us! Calling is tested locally, regionally and nationally before anyone is able to become a fully accredited Baptist Minister.

Testing A Call

As you explore this within a Baptist context the following framework generally applies:

- You will need to talk with your own minister and/or local leaders. They will need eventually to ask for a recommendation to Webnet from your Church Meeting.

- You will need to be in touch with a Regional Minister, who will guide you through the approach to the Association and Colleges. 

- A period of formation that touches mind, practice and the whole person will normally follow. 

The final test is that a call from a local church is received and responded to positively in the confidence that God has directed you.

Getting In Touch

We hope you’ll find relevant and useful information here, but recognise this is only a start. Further help and advice will be available from your own Minister, or one of the Webnet Regional Ministers.

Contact Us


Little Stoke Baptist Church
Little Stoke
BS34 6JW


01179 658 828

Hub Opening Hours

Mon - Thu

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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